For Me, Swimming is an Escape

For Me, Swimming is an Escape

  For Me, Swimming is an Escape and a Powerful Lesson in Mindfulness   Hello TriSwim! I’m excited to be writing my first blog as one of the new TriSwim Ambassadors.   I was swimming at Haysden a few nights ago, thinking about what sort of things I’d like to...
What is the ‘After Drop’

What is the ‘After Drop’

Once the colder months arrive, you may hear open-water swimmers talk about the ‘afterdrop’ – but what exactly is it, how can you manage it and why is it important to be aware of it?In this blog, we give you the practical info you need, as well as asking one of our...
Welcome to a new chapter.

Welcome to a new chapter.

  Well, we’re now into our second week of 2023 and I’m just about well enough to resurface from my pit of sickness that I’ve been stuck in since Christmas Day.Laying in bed day in, day out wishing for sickness to evaporate allows you a lot of time alone with your...